XR Projects

Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) / Mixed Reality (MR) / Extended Reality (XR) / Spatial Computing

Year 2017-2019
Company Schlumberger
My Role UX lead, Team Player!

Human Problem Statement

Extended Reality (XR) technology has allowed us to change the way in which we interact with media and information. However, when we transport humans into new worlds without careful UX design, we often times end up with a lot of user challenges. These challenges include motion sickness, poor navigation, getting hurt in the physical world, frustrations, society, privacy, etc.

Project Background

Currently, I’m the only UX designer on the XR team at Schlumberger Innovation Center. Our primary goal is to provide conceptual ideas for Schlumberger business by using immersive technologies (XR/AR/VR/MR) to create new experiences, new ways of connecting information and new ways of building customer experiences. Although we are a very small team, we have been developing super cool things from scratch. We are the most agile team in the entire organization, and the team is full of creativity (especially me! haha). We are very proud of our VR and AR demo applications that we developed in-house in partnership with external companies.

Fast Design Process

  1. Idea
  2. Testing
  3. Iteration

My Two Cents for designing XR

  1. “Feel Nature” - Interactions and navigating around
  2. Less UI is better – Create a feeling of nature

Managing User’s Attention

  1. Where they are looking?
  2. What they are going to do?
  3. What works the best for them?
  4. How are they going to interact with user contents?
  5. How to make hint and cue for them?

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